
Basketball outline
Basketball outline

basketball outline

Making the ball from behind this line is 3 points, not 2. The arc: Also known as the three point line, this is the round line on the ground surrounding the paint.The two big squares near the bottom are the block. The paint: Also known as the interior, this is the area closest to the hoop.The ball is thrown into the air and players try to tip it to their team. Jump ball: This is how you start the game.

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Free throw: When a player is fouled while shooting, they get to shoot free throws.

basketball outline

If you don’t dribble and you move your feet, it’s a traveling foul.

  • Dribble: Bouncing the ball off of the court (the floor).
  • The glass, or backboard is the back of the hoop.
  • Hoop/basket: If the ball goes in the hoop with the net, the offensive team scores.
  • From the NBA to casual backyard games, every game of basketball has a few terms you should learn if you want to follow the game. This article has been viewed 1,074,184 times. This article received 59 testimonials and 80% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. WikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. There are 15 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Ryan was a two-time All-Metropolitan, All-State, and All-Conference point guard and the all-time three-point leader in the school’s history, landing him in the Caldwell University Athletic Hall of Fame. He went on to Caldwell University on a basketball scholarship where he was part of three championship teams. Ryan was a First Team All-Decade basketball player in Bergen County and finished in the top 20 all-time leading scorers in the county’s history with 1,730 points. Ryan created the National Sports ID as a platform to verify the age/grade of youth athletes and STACK Basketball to inspire young athletes to grow into mature individuals and basketball players. With over 30 years of experience, Ryan specializes in basketball coaching, social media marketing, and website design. Ryan Tremblay is a Basketball Coach and the Owner of National Sports ID and STACK Basketball.

    basketball outline

    This article was co-authored by Ryan Tremblay and by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure.

    Basketball outline